Skips Secret Weapon Hard Water Spot Remover 1.5L (SW1.5L)

by Skips

The Secret is out! Secret Weapon is our OG mix! The fast acting solution cuts water spots and grime like it’s easy and leaves the highest quality wax and shine in the industry.

Pair Secret Weapon with the heavy duty SKIPS SPRAYER and it just can’t be beat! Water spots should be afraid, very afraid.


Cleaning & Protecting Should Be Simple and Easy

Secret Weapon Directions:
1. Shake SKIPS Spray Bottle well and pressurize bottle.
2. Spray evenly and directly on surface.
3. Wipe with microfiber towel to get a high-gloss shine.
4. Enjoy your one of a kind SKIPS shine!
Hit The Deck Directions:
1. Shake SKIPS Spray bottle well and pressurize bottle.
2. Spray evenly and directly on floor of boat.
3. Wipe or scrub with brush, rinse & dry with microfiber towel to get a high-gloss shine.
4. Enjoy your one of a kind SKIPS clean floor.
Sleek Seats Directions:

Ready to give your fun machine the sweet sweet cleaning it deserves?! Let’s Go!

1. Buy as many SKIPS products as you can carry.
2. Grab your SLEEK SEATS sprayer and apply directly and evenly to surface.
3. Use the skill you’ve been working on since age two and WIPE off any excess.
4. Take a deep breath, smile, and enjoy your SKIPS shine in all its glory!

Works great on Vinyl, Rubber, Leather, Plastics, and those pleather pants from the 90’s.

Spot Blaster Directions:
UH OH! Snack time get a little crazy?… Relax! SPOT BLASTER has your back! BLAST dirt, grime, and stains with deadly accuracy. BLAST OFF!

1. Ask spots if they have any last words.
2. Grab your SPOT BLASTER sprayer and apply directly and evenly to surface.
3. Let SPOT BLASTER soak into tougher stains.
4. Wax on, Wax off… minus the wax! Wipe clean with a microfiber towel.
5. Holster your weapon and continue on your way.